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The new eLiVe is a innovative development of the side loading of wheelchairs on the vehicle for people with little or no walking ability. The eLiVe can be installed in 4-door passenger cars or minivans with sliding doors. The wheelchair is locked in place and the eLiVe is operated entirely from the seated position on the driver’s seat. Compared to other systems, the eLiVe loads the wheelchair with an individually programmed loading curve. The special feature of the eLiVe is that the wheelchair can even be longer than the clear height of the door! This revolutionary technology opens up whole new worlds for wheelchair users when it comes to choosing a vehicle and adapting the wheelchair to their own needs. The eLiVe also makes it easier to switch to a new wheelchair, as only the loading curve is reprogrammed. It is the result of a close cooperation between the two companies Felitec and Veigel.

We will plant a tree for every purchased eLiVe

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